
This shows the overall appeal, as a percentile, benchmarked against the category.

  • United Kingdom Female 16-24
  • United Kingdom Female 25-34
  • United Kingdom Male 16-24
  • United Kingdom Male 25-34

Benchmarking - by demographic

This shows the demographic appeal, as a percentile, benchmarked against the category.

GB Male 16-24

GB Male 25-34

GB Female 16-24

GB Female 25-34


This graph shows you the average engagement of the reviewers during each second of the trailer. The grey bars show how much consensus of opinion there was second by second. Larger bars indicate stronger consensus. Click on any point on the line to view the corresponding point in the video.

Engagement Demographic

This graphs shows the engagement by demographic.

Distribution Of Ratings

This shows you how each of the ratings from the reviewers were spread over the 0-10 range. Comparing the overall shape of this graph between genders can tell you a lot about where this trailer is resonating most strongly.

Word Cloud & Review Search

This highlights the most commonly mentioned words in the reviews. Just click on any word to see the underlying comments from the reviewers that relate to that word.

Word Cloud Sentiments

This identifies the top mentioned elements by reviewers; a sentiment analysis algorithm then examines the reviews and calculates how positive or negative the overall sentiment is about each of these elements.

Element Analysis

This looks at several key elements of your track; a sentiment analysis algorithm then examines the reviews and calculates how positive or negative the overall sentiment is about each of these elements.
